Friday, September 30, 2011

The Truth About Feeding and Nourishing Your Child

My oldest child ’ s fi rst solid food was not an organic apple slice, a calcium - rich cheese stick, or free - range chicken. It was a half - sour pickle. Perhaps after all that milk, she was looking for something with a little zing. One friend had a baby who loved licking slices of lemon and lime. Another had a toddler who preferred “ spicy ” water (sparkling mineral water or seltzer) over fl at, and salad greens dressed with garlicky olive oil. All these children, like millions of others, then proceeded to go through the “ picky eater ” phase, but managed to survive, thrive, and eventually expand their culinary horizons beyond fi sh sticks.
Your decision on what and how to feed your child starts before birth, when you are still pregnant and your child is being nourished in the womb. Once your baby comes into the world, you ’ ll choose breast - or bottle - feeding. You ’ ll make decisions on types of milk and formula, baby foods, solid foods, snacks, beverages, and much more. You ’ ll also get lots and lots of advice, funny looks, and criticism if you do things a certain way. But if you can separate out the fi ction from the facts, on topics ranging from breast - feeding to food allergies, you ’ ll be able to feed your child with confidence, even if he insists on dropping his spoon from his high chair just to watch you pick it up. Here, then, are some of the most popular misconceptions — and facts to set you straight — about feeding your baby and young child.


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